(704) 307-2030 Apex, NC M-F: 9AM - 5PM

Category: DMS

HOW TO: Import Credit Apps

If we host your dealership website and you utilize our secure online credit application then you have the option of importing submitted credit apps into your cloud-based DMS.  Here’s how! 1.  Access your online credit apps Login to your credit app backend by clicking the…

How to E-Mail a Receipt

You can email payment receipts by making then PDFs and emailing the attachment.  Here’s how!   How to email a payment receipt: 1) CHANGE YOUR PRINT SETTINGS From the home screen click the PRINT CENTER under the Getting Started then check the box Always ask…

How to Install Updates

Updates to your KGI DMS can be found on the home screen of your software. When you sign in to Dealer Solutions look for the Alerts box to the far right. This box will turn yellow when updates are available. The steps are quite easy…

How to Remove a Vehicle Pack on a Vehicle

Go to Inventory  Select the vehicle and double click or click Edit  Go to the expenses screen Click Add Defaults  Edit the Pack for this vehicle field.  Set to $0 if you want to remove the pack on this one vehicle.  It will not affect the pack on any other…

SC IMF Guidance (updated 1/2018)

The SC law changed in July 2017 so that sales tax was no longer collected on in-state purchases, but rather Infrastructure Maintenance Fee, and the limit was raised from $300 to $500.  Guidance has been clarified and various updates have been posted since the law…

How to Run a DB Repair

Dealer Solutions uses a Microsoft Access Database.  Sometimes this database can get corrupt due to saving issues, simultaneous use, computer error, etc.  If you are trying to correct unusual errors that are occuring withing Dealer Solutions first try these steps.  If the errors still occur follow…