Let’s be honest.  You want to find followers that are, or could be, potential customers!   The good news is anyone on Twitter most likely drives and is, therefore, in that category!  Here are a few quick tips on how to find Twitter followers:

4 ways to get potential customers as Twitter followers

  • Use the search to search your city.
    Example: “Raleigh”
    Now follow all of the people that list Raleigh in their bio.  As a car dealer your target market is going to be local.  Do this for all surrounding cities as well.  As you begin following more local people and engaging with them more local people will begin following you!
  • Search hashtags related to your area.
    Example: “#Raleigh” or “#ResearchTriangle”
    People using these hashtags are most likely local as well. Start following and engaging with them.
  • Find local restaurants on Twitter.
    Click on their followers and start following them.  Most will be local residents.  Use the restaurant tweets to engage with others or for retweetable content.
  • Follow any and all local businesses you can.
    By doing this when someone likes those local businesses you will soon appear as a suggestion for those people to follow.  Use these businesses tweets to provide valuable content for your local followers as well.

Updated June 2016

After listening to a recent episode of The Dealer Playbook podcast I wanted to share what Gary Vaynerchuk said.  He does a [much] better job of explaining these four strategies above and tying them all together into a strategy we’ll call, “becoming the Mayor”!

The following is an excerpt from thedealerplaybook.com ~

If Gary Vaynerchuk Sold Cars

Let’s face it, we all want to know what moves Gary would make if he were selling cars. Well, now you finally get the answer from the horses mouth.

If Gary Vaynerchuk became a car salesperson, he would execute a hyper-local strategy. The goal: Become what he called the “social mayor” of the community.

Using social media, he would build his audience by being the go-to local resource for anything and everything in the community. From talking about that “pothole” that everyone is complaining about to engaging in community events and fundraisers.

You can find the entire article and podcast here or anywhere I linked above.