(704) 307-2030 Apex, NC M-F: 9AM - 5PM

Full Features & Services List

Choose a Product

Features of Dealer Solutions dealer management software for used car dealerships in the Carolinas

Features of our Customized Dealership Websites for used car dealers

in any state

Features of our Inventory data feed and marketing services

in any state

Features of our Social Media and Internet Marketing services

in any state

Features of doing business with KGI Solutions and the hands on personalized support you won't find anywhere else

Features of additional services we provide for used car dealers

in any state

Dealer Solutions Software (DMS)

VIN Decoder / VIN Scanner
Print FTC Buyers Guide
Itemized vehicle expenses
Create custom options lists
Create custom inv. categories
Print paperwork to BUY a vehicle
1024 x 768 Vehicle Images
Individual QR Code per vehicle
Add vehicle pack as expense
Standard options decoded by VIN
Create custom inventory views
Instant vehicle updates to website
Printable window sticker
Check vehicle on NICB.org
Check history with Autocheck *
EPA Miles Per Gallon data decoded
Create custom inventory reports
Add customers, vendors, and more
Import web leads / credit apps
Quick glance buyer purchase history
Fill out / print credit application
Add credit references
Add Cobuyer or Business
Create / export customer lists
Check name on OFAC list
Print labels and envelopes
Feed data to CRM programs
Easily create Payment Quotes
Hidden profit view while in deals
Track "How did you hear about us"
Save deals / finalize quotes
Create custom form packs
KGI Forms for added compliance
Print forms to PDF
Make PDF Quotes/BOS for banks
Send quotes to Lender Portals *
Customize finance tables
Easy deal entry (run deals in mins)
Have custom forms added *
Print forms front and back
Back into a purchase price
Auto calculate tax / tag / fees
Form selection is best in the biz!
State forms included and updated
Edit forms directly on print preview
Reprint deals /forms with ease
Track outside finance deals
Generate payoff quotes
View accounts coming due
Track misc accounts
Generate / view dozens of reports
Have custom reports created
Track BHPH accounts
Auto added late fees
Customize finance tables
Print / create letters
Easy read and edit Wash sheets
Create / edit your own reports
Auto calculate interest daily
Add payments / print receipts
Auto calculate tax / tag / fees
Start the repossession process
Auto calculate sales commissions
Export data to Excel
Add software to any Windows computer with a strong Wifi Internet connection
South Carolina DLA-1C report
Create customized user accounts for employees
Still have access to your data after cancellation of services

*Most integrations require paid accounts through third party vendors..

Customized Dealership Website

YOU own your domain
Customized logo usage
Schema.org optimization
3rd Party financing and pricing integrations welcome
Secure credit application
Customized reviews/testimonials
Leads send to CRMs via ADFXML
List Golf Carts, Trailers, Boats
Pagespeed insights optimized
Professional consultation *
Fully customized to color scheme
Shop by body types
3rd Party vehicle history integrations welcome
Call to action forms to get leads
Customized pop up banners
Install custom cookies/tags
Editable meta title and description
3rd Party chat widgets welcome
HTTPS secured hosting
Custom pricing display
Advanced filtering capabilities
3rd Party inventory feed integrations welcome
Customized staff pages
Open Graph optimization
Service / Shop page available
Use a 3rd Party credit application
Custom VDP display available

*Our websites are so hands on and custom they require an initial setup and consultation fee. These are not template sites you find from larger vendors who simply add a logo and tweak a few colors.

Inventory Feeds

Feeds to lenders like CAC*
Free feed to iseecars.com
Free feed to buysellautomart.com
Fast feed setup saves you money
Sends to Carsforsale every hour*
Feeds to Carfax and Autocheck*
Free feed to carstory.com
Free feed to Google business profile
Custom feeds at no additional charge
Feeds to other website vendors
Free feed to easyautosales.com
Incoming/Outgoing feed capability
Feeds to specialty sites for classic cars and commercial trucks*

*Most of these feeds listed are to paid vendor sites. We don't charge for any specific feed but you must have an account with them, unless stated "free" in the above list.

Social Media and Marketing Services

Instagram posting tool
Facebook Marketplace posting tool
Post vehicles to your FB feed
Feed to FB Inventory catalog
Feed to Google Business Page
Feed to Google Ads
Free feed to MSN Bing Autos
Feed to OVE

Support and the Intangibles

Support calls are answered quickly and resolved as soon as possible
We know our customers and each one matters to us!
We respond quickly to emails
When you call you talk to the right person, no tiered support
You can text us or use our online chat widget
Month to month - No contracts
Everyone here has been with the company for 5 to 20 years!
Always up to date on laws and forms with Carolina Dealer Training
What we love the most is helping other small businesses succeed!
All 5 Star Reviews on our Google business page

Add-Ons and Extra Services

SEO Boost
Give your website a boost by maximizing it's potential to be seen on Google
Custom Email Accounts
Add email addresses to your dealership's domain
Dealership Logo Design
Need a logo? We can help create what you have envisioned
Social Media Content Creation
Create content and post to your Facebook and Instagram business pages
Custom Programming
Create advanced reports, forms, exports, workflow, you name it and we can see what's possible
Listing Optimization
Give your business a boost by optimizing its presence on listing sites; Google, Bing, Yelp, LinkedIn, and Nextdoor
Personalized Window Stickers
Custom designed window stickers for only your dealership. Black and White or Color
Social Media Setup
We can help set up and optimize your Facebook and Instagram pages and profiles
Full KGI Concierge Service
Utilize the expertise of our marketers, programmers, and designers to work for YOU - includes all services like the ones in this section. 4-5 hours per month.
(limited availability; 7 spots left!)

Let's Chat About These Services! (704) 307-2030


KGI Dealer Solutions was made for Car Dealers like YOU.


Great Choice!

We're excited to get this relationship started!

How can we help?Schedule a DemoRequest a TrialI'm Ready to Sign Up!
5.0 on Google!


Landon Tallent

VP of Sales

(919) 637-1805

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Email Anytime